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Stride's 2nd Fundraising Golf Tournament!

The Stride for STARS 2024 fundraising golf tournament was held Thursday, July 18 at the Neepawa Golf and Country Club. We had a great turn out of golfers, an overwhelming response from corporate sponsors and as a result, we are very excited to announce that we were able to present STARS Air Ambulance with a cheque for $25,000!

A huge thank you to everyone who supported this initiative. STARS is an important part of Manitoba’s health care system, and we are very proud to support their efforts.
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Stride Credit Union supports the Oakville Community Club with a $50,000 sponsorship

Supporting community is a core value for Stride Credit Union. This made getting involved with the Oakville Community Club an easy decision. We are proud, and very excited, to announce that Stride Credit Union will be supporting the Oakville Community Club with a ten-year, $50,000 sponsorship agreement and the naming rights to the “Stride Events Room”. 

While the new building will be the hub of the community, we anticipate the Stride Events Room to be the hub of the building. We look forward to seeing many weddings, socials, family gatherings and other events take place in the Stride Events Room and are proud to be a part of this initiative in Oakville.

“The Oakville Community Club is very excited and grateful for the sponsorship from Stride. This facility will be a valuable resource for the community for generations and it wouldn't be possible without this generous support from Stride.” -Eric Delong, Oakville Community Club board member.

According to Community Centre Renewal Committee chair, Dennis Galbraith, the completion of the new Community Centre in the village of Oakville is the culmination of 15 years of volunteer work including a feasibility study, fundraising, design, and construction. The new centre will replace the existing community hall which, after 75 years, has reached the end of its usable lifespan due to declining structural integrity. Designed to include the community’s first licenced childcare centre, the new building will be the center of community engagement for generations to come.

The new Community Centre in Oakville has been designed and constructed to meet the needs of a thriving 21st century community. Heated and cooled geothermally, the building will be shielded from every increasing energy cost while having near zero green house gas emissions. Beyond all the social and recreational benefits, this building is also the community’s commitment to environmental sustainability. The 40-space childcare centre employing 8 staff is the community’s commitment to families and future community development. 

“Stride Credit Union firmly believes in giving back to the communities that we serve. While our branch may no longer be located in Oakville, we still very much serve that community and want to support our members and the various initiatives that happen in these small towns. This is a huge boost to Oakville and its residents and we are thrilled to be a part of it.” -Brent Budz, CEO, Stride Credit Union.

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Stride Credit Union pays $870,000 to members from profits

At last night’s 2023 Stride Credit Union Annual General Meeting, CEO Brent Budz announced that eligible members will get a boost to their account next week. “Stride Credit Union once again had a strong year in 2023, thanks to our members. As a result of this, Stride will be paying out $700,000 in Dividend payouts and $170,000 in Surplus Share payouts.  Eligible members may receive up to $250 from Dividend Payouts the week of April 15, and Personal members who turned 71 as of December 31, 2023 will receive the balance of their surplus shares.”
Budz notes an overall increase in members joining Stride Credit Union in 2023 and looks to continue that growth in 2024 and beyond.
Since Stride’s inception in 2017, there has been $2,399,000 in Dividends paid out to eligible members.  Dividends payouts are calculated according to the amount of business a member has with Stride.

For further information on Dividends, Surplus Shares or in becoming a member, please contact us.

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Connect Manitoba Growth Fund

Stride Credit Union recently participated at a joint media release announcing its investment into The Connect Manitoba Growth Fund.  The Connect Manitoba Growth Fund is an innovative venture capital fund established through a collaboration between the Government of Manitoba, Westcap Management Limited, and several local credit unions, including Access Credit Union, Fusion Credit Union, Stride Credit Union, and Sunrise Credit Union. The fund is the first recipient of capital from the Manitoba First Fund, which was introduced by the Manitoba government in the spring of 2022.

With an initial capitalization of $60 million, the Connect Manitoba Growth Fund aims to support later-stage growth companies in Manitoba. It specifically targets companies that have already gained market acceptance for their products or services. By providing funding to these established ventures, the fund seeks to facilitate their further expansion and development.

The Manitoba government, Westcap Management Limited, and the participating credit unions are the key investors in the Connect Manitoba Growth Fund. The Manitoba First Fund has made an inaugural investment of $25 million in partnership with Westcap Management Ltd., which has extensive experience in managing venture capital investments. The remaining $35 million will be contributed by the credit unions involved in the collaboration.

This joint effort between the government, venture capital managers, and credit unions is expected to foster economic growth and entrepreneurship in Manitoba. Managed by Westcap Management Limited, the Connect Manitoba Growth Fund will play a vital role in providing financial support to promising local companies and driving their continued success in the market.

Any commercial members that have questions about venture capital financing through this initiative can contact their Stride Account Manager or contact Westcap directly at 204-453-1000 or


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Pets Plus Us pet insurance has arrived at Stride Credit Union!

Are your furry friends covered in the event of illness or injury? We have partnered with Pets Plus Us to offer Stride Credit Union members insurance options for your pets.